Daily Archives: 2022-06-04

Closeup shot of a blooming Lotus flower

If you’re looking to add a punch to your spring garden, try planting some Purple Flowers. These pretty blooms come in a wide variety of colors and can be either moody or sweet. They’re also very low-maintenance and work well in combination with other hues. Here are some great varieties to try: *Purple Coneflower* – These small, clumping blooms are about six to fifteen inches tall. *Purple Hyacinth – This poisonous flowers for your anniversary is star-shaped, and is a popular flower. The petals of this flower range from pale purple to dark purple, with darker veins running through them. These flowers are often associated with grief, as they’re considered a symbol of apologies and sorrow. You can also find these beautiful blooms in museums and in many garden centers. The variety of purple flowers available is vast, and the color is a wonderful addition to any garden. *Purple Hyacinth:…

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